New book follows a superhuman wedding falling apart when a human from the past returns R. S. Curtis announces publication of ‘ONCE IN A BLUE MOON’ A superhuman young man is about to marry the wrong superhuman young woman in the new book “ONCE IN A BLUE MOON”...
Two of the three pictured have all but grown up, and the third never will. Doo is for Doodle bug, who made us all laugh, Dandy, for Dandyman, and Biscuit, for the Biscuit, who told us what to do. For many years we played afternoons for as late as we could waiting for...
Papa blows out the candles on his 90th birthday cake. Papa at Nuremberg Stadium 1945 & His Small Wooden Box 2010. This photo was made in Nuremberg Stadium at the end of WWll in 1945 and is of Lt. Col. Ben Frank Curtis, my father and the man we all called Papa. He...